Fun & Creativity
Preschool Curriculum
Here at Story Time we use a Monthly Themed Learning with Lil Dreamers Dream Big. With this monthly themed curriculum it will foster the whole child. It not only reinforces foundational concepts and encourages creativity, but enhances critical thinking. Each Month a new concept is provided along with a monthly news letter to all parents.
My curriculum is filled with fun hands-on activities, art, crafts, and early literacy experiences. This curriculum is developed to ensure that children would be introduced to necessary skills and concepts needed in school.
Outside Play
Climbing, sliding, jumping, running, balls, racing, parachute, catch, bubbles, follow the leader, squirt bottles, ride-on toys, wagons, tunnels, safe water toys, various games, water table, painting, neighborhood walks, exploring nature/weather, soccer, and yes falling. As you know, children play hard and will get some bumps and bruises from time to time. We do our best to limit the amount of times this occurs, with constant supervision and watchful eyes. Due to the safe environment/toys we have surrounded ourselves with, we hope to prevent any injuries before they can happen. During the summer months (June, July and August and September) we allow for more outdoor activities and creative art projects. Weather permitting, we play outdoors every day.
Books and story-time, Legos, circle-time, tumbling exercises, music and dancing and singing, dress up, play food, interactive stuffed animals, cars/trucks/planes, arts and crafts, puzzles, flash cards, animals/dinosaurs, trains, musical instruments, balls, dolls, various learning toys, various games, bean bag toss, blocks, large beads and string, song games, coloring, sing along story books, painting, science, and puppets.